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Embracing AI: Overcoming Anxiety in the Legal Profession

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May 8, 2024
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In the legal profession, anxiety often stems from uncertainty—uncertainty about cases, about clients, and perhaps most significantly, about the evolving landscape of technology. One of the most transformative forces in recent years has been the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) as a legal tool, yet it's also one of the most misunderstood and feared changes by many in the legal profession. 

Hesitation Surrounding Legal AI Tools

Many legal professionals are fearful or hesitant to adopt AI business solutions. Their hesitation may stem from a myriad of things including fear of AI replacing them, distrust of the accuracy of AI legal solutions and ethical and regulatory concerns. However, as the world shifts toward a more AI-integrated future, legal professionals who adopt responsible AI practices may experience a competitive advantage over their counterparts who choose not to engage with the new technology. Here are some points to address common misconceptions surrounding the use of AI in legal processes.

Fear of being replaced

AI cannot replicate the nuanced judgment, intuition, and decision-making of seasoned legal professionals.

Examining vast datasets to identify patterns and anomalies is a fundamental aspect of traditional legal practice, an area where AI also excels. Consequently, there's a concern among many lawyers that AI could replace them in this role. This is not the case. The role of AI in law is to complement human decision-making, alleviating the burden of tedious tasks such as manual medical record reviews and optimizing processes. This, in turn, enhances resource allocation and allows lawyers more time to focus on tasks that align with their expertise. 

Distrust of AI Accuracy 

Concerns around AI decision-making highlight the importance of selecting a trusted AI solutions provider. 

As with any new technology, there are often concerns regarding the accuracy of AI legal tools. This concern is twofold. First, there's apprehension about AI making errors. Second, there are concerns that it will be impossible to tell when AI has indeed made a mistake due to the opacity of its logic. This issue is often referred to as a “black box” and it poses a significant problem for AI business solutions if left unaddressed.

Errors in the legal realm can have serious consequences, which understandably makes many legal professionals hesitant to fully trust AI solutions. For example, many legal experts have expressed concern that AI will mistakenly include non-existent cases or fabricated legal precedents​, will fall short of the nuanced understanding required for legal issues, perpetuate biases, and provide erroneous information. 

Despite this wariness, it's worth noting that AI often surpasses humans in accuracy. AI doesn't succumb to fatigue or boredom and can tirelessly operate around the clock without compromising the quality of its work.

The transparency issue underscores the importance of choosing a responsible AI provider capable of elucidating how decisions are reached. Solutions like DigitalOwl's click-to-evidence offer a straightforward means of verifying facts, instilling confidence in legal professionals who embrace responsible AI solutions.

Ethical and Regulatory Concerns 

Choosing Legal AI tools that avoid correlation-based decisions can reduce legal, reputational and regulatory risk. 

Ethical and regulatory apprehensions revolve around the possibility that AI algorithms may aggregate biased historical data, resulting in potentially biased outcomes. Such unintended biases, when incorporated into legal practice, can yield unfair results and perpetuate discrimination. Understandably, many legal professionals are cautious about embracing AI legal solutions due to these concerns. However, the strategy of avoiding AI in the legal profession is no longer viable, as AI is already integrated into various aspects of the legal process, from call recordings to grammar assistance in word processing tools. As such, it's crucial to establish safe and responsible ways to utilize AI effectively, addressing these concerns head-on and minimizing potential risks.

For example, the risk of discriminatory AI practices often stems from correlation-based decision-making, in which AI makes decisions based on the existence of a relationship between entities or outcomes rather than the direct cause and effect between them. As such, legal professionals can avoid AI discrimination by choosing AI providers like DigitalOwl who offer Legal AI tools that only make causation-based decisions. 

Fewer Billable Hours

While AI may reduce billable hours, it can also solve for talent shortages and improve resource allocation.

Legal professionals traditionally bill clients by the hour. In some cases, this has sparked concerns that embracing more efficient methods, such as AI, could result in reduced billable hours and profitability. However, the integration of AI presents an opportunity to redefine how lawyers engage with their work. By automating time-consuming tasks like document review, contract analysis, legal research, and routine document drafting, AI allows lawyers to concentrate on tasks that demand human expertise, such as case strategy, client counseling, negotiation, and courtroom advocacy. This transformative shift can help combat talent shortages and reduce burnout in the industry.

Benefits of Using Legal AI Tech

Embracing AI with responsible adoption practices has the potential to be a game-changer for legal professionals. 

Navigating and resolving concerns regarding Legal AI solutions will play a pivotal role in shaping the future landscape for legal professionals. Consider the following benefits of responsible AI solutions:

  • Save time. Experience dramatic time savings with the ability to rapidly sort and evaluate medical records.
  • Empower data-driven legal strategies. Simplify case preparation and unlock crucial medical insights for improved negotiation strategy.
  • Capture key case details. Streamline legal analysis and save hours sifting through documents with legal AI tools that surface critical case information. 
  • Enhance efficiency. Redefine efficient case handling by quickly understanding complex medical data and transforming voluminous records into accessible and accurate medical record summaries for comprehensive analysis.


While concerns surrounding legal AI tools are valid, navigating these concerns and leveraging AI responsibly can position legal professionals at the forefront of innovation, ultimately leading to more effective, efficient, and impactful legal practice. Contact DigitalOwl to learn more about our responsible legal AI solutions.

About the author

DigitalOwl is the leading InsurTech platform empowering insurance professionals to transform complex medical data into actionable insights with unprecedented speed and accuracy. “View,” “Triage,” “Connect” and “Chat,” with medical data for faster, smarter medical reviews, and create “Workflows” to experience dramatic time savings with fast, flexible decision trees.